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Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Tell the difference - Ipod Nano

I was hunting around for an Ipod Nano for a friend of mine. For the benefit of a doubt of those who dunno what it is, the pix is as below.

He wanted a 4Gb black Ipod Nano.Went searching searching. Everywhere the price was the same SGD354, but I could not find a black one. Turns out one of the shops told me that the 4Gb dun come in black colour. Bugger.

Anyway, I went to Giant to see if there were any there. Immediately I saw the gadget, selling at a price of SGD59.90!!! Hard to believe. I looked at it again. An Ipod Nano!!!

Then I saw the price tag again. It's another brand. Slix. hahaha.

At first sight, it could be mistaken for an Ipod Nano. For anyone of you who wants a cheap look alike Ipod Nano, buy this one.

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