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Monday, March 10, 2008

Dawn of a new era

It's been 4 months since I updated my blog. 2 main reasons for this. Firstly, a new addition to my family. My pride and joy is taking up most of my time, which I am happy to do. Secondly, I have moved to a new place, where I currently do not have an internet connection and during work, it is not as convenient as before to update my blog.

Today, I start updating my blog again. I chose today because it also marks the beginning of a new era. Not only for the blog but also for Malaysia.

Why? Because on 8 March 2008, Malaysians exercised their rights and voted in the 12th General Elections. The people have shown the so-called ruling coalition who is boss. The people stood up and said "Enough is enough."

And the results have shown what the public truly thinks about Barisan Nasional. They can print whatever they want in the newspapers and television, that they control. But they cannot censor what the people think. And the internet has proven to be a place where the people can express what they think.

Winds of change are blowing. DAP adviser, Mr. Lim Kit Siang called it a "Political Tsunami." When questioned, Pak Lah could only answer, "Kalah, kalah lar." I call it a step in the right direction.

The "Opposition" won 82 seats in the Parliament. Most importantly they denied BN a 2/3 majority. This means BN can no longer amend laws as they wish to their own convenience or benefit. What struck me earlier this morning was the fact that, the Opposition only needed another 32 seats, and they would be able to form a new federal government.

The "Opposition parties" won 5 states. They retained Kelantan, won Penang, Selangor, Kedah and Perak. Now, the "Opposition parties" are the ruling executive council in the states. And in these 5 states, the BN is the opposition.

Being a part of those 5 states, I do hope the opposition can do well in managing these states and serve the public well. Prove to us that you can do what you promised. We cannot expect results overnight. They have just taken control and many things need to be sorted out. Do not expect any help from the federal government, but instead prepare for cut in aids from the federal government.

It will not be an easy task. But I believe it is for the future. To all Malaysians, your vote counts. Give yourselves a pat on the back.

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